KOUSHIKI song:Let's learn Japanese science!

4.4 ( 4 ratings )
Amusement Onderwijs
Developer: Jun Miyoshi

■□■□■□UTAOBO 3rd Series!■□■□■□
〜KOUSHIKI song:Lets learn Japanese science!〜

Explanation of the application

 ◆"KOUSIHIKI" is Japanese.
  The meaning of "KOUSIHIKI" is a formula.

 ◆This is the formula of the science learned in Japan.
  Lets remember according to the melody of Yankee Doodle!

 ◆This formula is learned at a junior high school in Japan.

 ◆The part of the song turns red!
  It does not stop till the last during class!

 ◆Five kinds of formulas to learn!
   (density , pressure , speed , power , concentration)

 ◆I can review the formula that I learned with a notebook!

 ◆Wearing a headphone is recommended!
  ※When you use it with a headphone, a song is heard more clearly!